Websites for YWAMers

A Place to learn and a Place to Thrive


Why a website?

Our value of, Do then Teach, put you, as YWAM staff, in a great place to explore your doings. Your Schools, your outreach, your moving to a new country.

Document your journey so others might be encouraged, who might also step out as you have done.


Do you want a websiteLearn how to Build

Learn, Do, Teach.

Learn how to build your WordPress website.

Learn how to use Divi, the Theme Builder that comes with your website to make beautiful and engaging content.

Do produce your Newsletter directly from your Website, make your Newsletter a story of your journey that others can read like chapters in a book.

Do champion others on your website. We all have interesting people around us doing interesting things for God’s Kingdom. Promote them on your website.

What is God teaching you? Write on this for others to learn the same thing.

If a picture speaks a thousands words, what would your story look like?

Let’s Thrive.

Let’s not just survive; let’s learn to thrive.

Vision- Do you have long-term activities that are not part of the Vision God has given you?

Goals: Are you doing useful things weekly that do not help you achieve God’s vision?

Being busy does not equal obedience to God.

What does it take to thrive?

Choose to please God, even if it displeases man.

So far as it depends upon you, be at peace with all men.

Our YES is yes, and our NO is no, and as a follower of Jesus, no is an acceptable answer.

Abandoning that which hinders even a good thing can be a sin if God has not told you to pick it up.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Become Skilled.

WordPress Seminars.

September 2024

August 29
Arrive Manila


YWAM Together Conference.

September 9
Nothing Scheduled


We are looking to hold a seminar while in the Philippines.

They could be one week long or two weeks long.

The seminars are designated to be a starting point.


september 16
Nothing Scheduled


We will be in Manila to begin with, and are planning one going to Baguio, Cebu, and Surigao.

September 23
Nothing Scheduled


The seminar do need good Internet.

We like to keep them at 5 to 8 people, more than that and people do not get the most out of the seminar.


september 30
Nothing Scheduled


We do not charge for the seminars.

This is a service from us to your and your base and staff.

As a base you may want to charge something for hosting, for providing merienda or meals.

october 7
Nothing Scheduled


Each person attending the seminar will have their own website to work on.

This could be, or

Host for this website is free for the first 6 months.


october 14
Nothing Scheduled


Once we have held a seminar, there is the online seminars people can take to become proficient as Webmasters.

There are also the worksheets people will have gone over that can be revisited as we all learn to take our Vision to Provision


Tony & Christine Arcus

YWAM 1988
YWAM 1988

Surigao, Philippines


Kona, HI, 2024

Want a Seminar at your place?

Kona, HI, 2024

Become a sponsor

This Seminars is Free, But There’s Only Room for 8!

We are interested in giving you quality of training, and want to impart the very best for making you a Webmaster.


We are looking for sponsors, have a look at our Project Plan.


Thanks to our sponsors for making this event FREE to attend
