Why a Website?

A website is a means to an end.
For a YWAM LocationFor YWAM Staff
For a YWAM Location
Communicating, Connecting, Growing

Communicating your Vision

Who are we?

How did we get to be what we are?

Where are we going?

How can you join us?


Connecting with People

What do we do?

  • Schools 
  • Outreach location
  • Ministries
  • Sponsorships 
  • Partnerships


Grow your Location

Come to a school.

Come to volunteer.

Come and be staff.

Our website is our Howto, FAQ, & Recruiting.

For YWAM Staff
Prayer & Partnership

From  Vision to Provision.

Communicating your Vision

Who am I?

Why am I here?

How did I get here?

Where do I want to go?

Connecting with People

Let me show you God’s goodness.

  • God has already called me, let me tell you how this happened.
  • I have already answered His call, let me tell you what that was like.
  •  I am being equipped, let me show you what has happened and where I think this is leading.
  • I want others to see this journey. And this is how I am using my website,

Prayer & Partnership

What is your Vision?

How has that been going?

How can I pray for you?

Can we meet for coffee?

Grow relationships that are not need-based; the possibility of a financial partnership will come later.

Your website introduces them to what you are doing.

If a website is a means to an end.

What is that end?

To know God.

To make Him Known.

Also, you overcome him by the word of your testimony. Your testimony is not about you but about what Jesus has done in you, is doing in you, and will do in you.

If you do not declare your testimony, you won’t realize you have one.

Your testimony is meant to glorify God, not you, and encourage others to strive after Jesus. 

As you learn all this, write about it, take pictures, and encourage others on your website as you:

  • Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
  • So far as it depends upon you, be at peace with all men.
  • And to not merely look out for your own interest, but also the interest of others.

Your specific gifting.

We are a body; I need to know what God has been teaching: the kidney, the liver, or the lung.

And they need to know what God has been teaching the bone marrow.

There is no vestal organ in the body of Jesus Christ.

We need to be open and share our stroy.

Our failures are actually our successes, as we learn far more from them than from our successes.

But why a website?

A website is a means for someone to find out about you at their speed.

A website can give you and them context for what God has done, is doing and even where you are heading, either as a Ywam location or as Ywam staff.

A website is a placeholder for all that is happening.

A website can tie together who you are, either as a location or as staff, from Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps, Google Business, and especially Google Search. Google search can be interesting to find out what words found you, this could give you an insight from God about you and your website that you did not previously see.

A website can sharpen your ability to do better what you are already doing.
Your website is a recruitment tool for your schools and your staff.

Your website is a prayer partnership tool.
I have a whole set of seminars to help you turn your vision into a provision. To learn how NOT to lead with your needs.

I also want to help you raise prayer partners inspired by vision, not friends who may suffer from donor fatigue.
To give people meaningful things to pray for. Consider this: for any one thing you have a need for that is answered by money, have five things ahead of this that can only be answered by God (not by money.)

Give people something they can pray for that will only be answered by faith, by the time spent with God, and let them know how that point of prayer gets answered.
When a person prays, “What is the answer to this problem/need,” God may bring an answer throught them you would never have thought of.

A website gives you the ability to present these non-money prayer needs.
A website gives you the ability to track this prayer need.
A website gives them the ability to let you know what they received in prayer.
A website gives you the ability to create a chronological testimony of God’s goodness.

One last thing.

I want to upskill you so that, with a website and the tools I can provide you, you can do more with less.

These tools aim not to add more work to your schedule but to help you work smarter and less, not harder and longer.

There is a philosophy behind websites and working with me. I want to introduce you to these ideas by helping you build a website.