We are assuming that we have only installed the Divi Visual Page Builder
Under Theme Options, there are a lot of areas to contend with.
We will have setup your copy of Divi with the correct USERNAME and API KEY.
API Settings
The API Setting is if you are going to use Google Maps, if you are not going to use Google Map, untick ENQUEUE GOOGLE MAPS SCRIPT. There have been issues with this part of the plugin slowing down your website because you do not have a valid API key installed.
When you are ready to use Google Maps, you need to get an API key from them.
This is a good page on how to do this https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/google-maps-api-key.
Post Type Intergration
In this section make sure all the items are ENABLED.
In this section make sure all the items are ENABLED, except ENABLE CLASSIC EDITOR.
The Rest of Divi
We are using Divi only to edit some pages on our site, as we transition to having a full Divi website. At this time there is nothing else that we need to contend with.
Other Lessons on Divi: